October 11, 2012


So, our baby is a month old now....how did that happen!? I'm going to try my best to post the highlights of the past month. Our life sure has changed and so has baby girl!

The day she was born we only wanted family to visit, which was good because we have a pretty large family! The great thing about knowing when she was coming was allowing everyone to make their travel plans in time to meet her on her birthday. It was a crazy emotional day but being surrounded by so many people who love us was the greatest gift. Tommy and I had a couple hours alone with Estelle before my mom came in to meet her.

Estelle and Nana
She slept through most of her first day as everyone came in and out. Both my parents, Tommy's parents, my sister, Tommy's sister, brother, brother-in-law, my aunt, and my grandparents all came. Thanks Clare for capturing the day so well!

Proud Papa

Four generations!

I'll admit that things seem a little fuzzy about all the specifics and the days and nights kind of ran together. We had an amazing hospital experience. The nurses and staff were great and we felt very well cared for. I was bound to the bed for most of the time because of the surgery so Tommy was thrown into Daddy boot camp. He changed all but one diaper while we were there and became a swaddling pro! I gradually regained strength enough to walk around some, but it was pretty slow. 

Estelle slept on the bed with me on her boppy pillow each night because 1. I didn't want to be away from her, and 2. I couldn't get out of bed to get her if she was upset. We spent lots of time snuggling and figuring out how to nurse. I had the lactation specialists come in every day to help out with the process. They figured out that she was tongue tied, which meant her tongue couldn't extend past her gum line, making suction extremely hard for her and very painful for me. They had to snip her frenulum ...which hurt us a lot more than it hurt her, and things got much easier.

We were ready to go home by the time Saturday rolled around. We were giddy on the drive home, not quite believing that we got to take our new baby home with us. Went in as two and left as three. As much as we talked about that scenario, it still didn't feel quite real.